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As Featured in Parents, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, CNN, Orlando Sentinel, Travel Weekly, Huffington Post, Reader’s Digest, MSN, Bravo TV’s JetSet, TravelPulse, US News & World Report, Martha Stewart Weddings, Orbitz, The Associated Press, CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX and many, many more!
MickeyTravels and our agents are highly regarded because of our exceptional experience in planning Disney vacations and the unsurpassed reputation we have earned within the travel industry. As such, we are regularly sought after by respected journalists as an expert source for their stories.
Journalists are our friends. We love to hear from you. For media inquiries, please reach out to Greg Antonelle at greg@mickeytravels.com or 908-334-2382
Here’s some the recent articles we’ve been quoted in: